Institutional Framework


As regards donations etc. to the Private Legal Entity (P.L.E.) from natural or legal persons, the following provisions apply:

par. 1 Article 72 of Law No. 4589/2019 (Α΄13)

"The resources of the P.L.E. are in particular:

Grants, sponsorships, donations, donations, legacies or bequests made to it, as well as any kind of contributions including valuables, foreign currencies and offers in kind, of a natural or legal person of public or private law of the national or foreign country or State or the European Union or another international organization.

Especially for the acceptance of all kinds of sponsorships, contributions and offers of any kind and donations in life that come from natural persons and exceed the value of five thousand (5. 000) euros, as well as for the acceptance of grants, sponsorships, contributions, donations and offers of any kind, regardless of their amount, coming from legal persons under private law of the domestic legal persons or legal persons under public or private law of foreign countries or another State or other international organization, other than the European Union, requires a joint decision of the Ministers of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Foreign Affairs and Finance, following a request by the Board of Directors of the N. P.I.D. and after verification of their origin, in accordance with the provisions of the Law. By the same decision, following the recommendation of the Board of Directors of the Islamic Mosque, all the necessary details for the acceptance of the extraordinary income and the specific way of its utilization may be determined, either to cover any regular or extraordinary needs or to create a reserve for future needs. In any case, if the Board of Directors considers that the request is related to the foreign policy of the country or does not have sufficient information on the origin of the donation or there are other serious reasons, it may refer any request for sponsorship, contribution and donation in general, regardless of the type and value, for approval by the Ministers referred to in the previous subparagraph. The provisions of the Code of Common Properties and Inheritances shall apply to legacies and bequests.".